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Board Members

Committed to Provide the Highest Quality Education for all Eufaula Students

The Eufaula School Board of Education is composed of five individuals who represent specific zones. Generally, one school board member is elected for a five-year term during each school election held annually. Multiple elections may occur when a position is vacated during an unexpired term. In the event of such occurrence, an individual is appointed by the Board and serves until the next election. While the Board of Education members are elected representatives, they serve without financial compensation for their service to the community and school district.

Please scroll to the bottom of the page to view all board members.

The Board Believes in the equal worth of all people. in maximizing learning by providing a safe school environment and integrating technology into the curriculum

The Board believes that every student can learn and succeed, that high expectations produce high achievement, that a district succeeds by providing the resources the students need, that our people are our most valuable asset., that our educators are committed to excellence and that we are stewards of the public trust.

The Board Believes excellent schools have a positive impact on communities and that effective and efficient public education is a critical economic investment.

The Board believes that educators, students, families and the community share in the responsibility for the continuous improvement in providing our students with an excellent educational experience.

Staff Development
Site-Based Decision Making
The Use of Appropriate Technologies as an Integral Part of Instruction and Management
That Leadership is more a Function of Vision and Inspiration than one of Control.

The Board of Education reaffirms its support of the Eufaula Public School District's Mission Statement:

The mission of Eufaula Public Schools is to provide a positive environment that will enable all students to become lifelong learners and responsible, contributing citizens in an ever-changing global society

Exit Outcomes:

  • Exhibit development of communication, computational, and scientific skills commensurate with individual potential
  • Exhibit critical thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving skills
  • Exhibit knowledge of how to learn as a lifelong skill
  • Exhibit a positive self-concept through valuing self and others

The school recognizes its responsibility in helping to shape the character of its youth and is committed to the development of the total child. Character education is, first and foremost, an obligation of the family. It is also important to recognize that communities, schools, and other organizations have a responsibility in the development of those universally held characteristics which reflect a person of high character.

The next generation will be the stewards of our community and nation. The well being of our society requires involved, caring citizens with high standards of character who make decisions based upon principles of character.

The Eufaula Public School System holds that the following fundamental character traits form a foundational basis for a person of character.

Demonstrating regard for the dignity and worth of oneself and others

Living up to one's duties to others and self and accepting the consequences of one's decisions.

Fulfilling one's obligations to society, participating in the democratic process and taking part in the improvement of community and government

Adhering to a moral code of honor in doing the right thing for the right reason

Demonstrating positive attitudes and assuming a meaningful role in society

Demonstrating concern for the well-being of others   


  • Jeff Pippenger - President 
  • Janette Davis - Vice President
  • Deserea Crawley - Clerk
  • Martha Asher - Member 
  • Shirley Breedlove - Member